Monday, November 28, 2011

Exciting times ahead

Advance TAFE is revamping our services to students and here’s a couple of ways we’re doing it: 

1. Whether you visit, phone or email, the brand new Bairnsdale Learning Common will be your one-stop-shop for advice, enrolment, support and library access.
2. All Advance TAFE students will be able to use the new online catalogue system, featuring improved ways to search, research and collaborate with your library.

To support all this, we’re building a brand new student computer network. Between 19 December 2011 and January 31 2012 you won’t be able to use the:
  • library and FLC student computers
  • student labs and loan laptops
  • student email and network storage
  • student on-campus Wi-Fi.
You’ll still be able to log in to Online Campus from any computer with internet access so you can view your online grades and finish any work you might still have to do.

We’re sorry we have to shut down for so long, but if you need help to deal with the outage, contact your library.
If you are currently using your student email account, e.g. '', you should:
  • get an alternative email account, e.g. G-mail
  • advise all your contacts to use the new email account
  • change your email address in your Online Campus profile
As happens every year, your student account will expire on 19 Dec. so you should copy any files you may have on H:\ drive to a memory stick, etc. 

If you are returning to study next year, you will create a new account and email address on the new Advance TAFE network. 

Have a great holiday and a happy new year!

Monday, November 21, 2011

From the rubble...

The most recent view of the almost learning common at Bairnsdale campus, as captured by a passing librarian with a smart phone.

Champagne across the bow

From the Bairnsdale Advertiser, 18 November 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Improving your library service

There will be a minor change to our hours of operation Tuesday 15th through Thursday 17th November as we undertake training to improve the service we offer.

Fulham campus will be closed between 1 and 1.30pm. 
Forestec campus library will remain open - please see reception if you have any issues. 
If you intend to visit Bairnsdale library, please ring ahead for confirmation on the days mentioned above.